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James Foo

5 Reasons why your business could benefit from an Accountant

1. Insight through your financial numbers

You admit you’re not great or even remotely good at accounting and bookkeeping. Also, forget about reading and deciphering financial statements. Financial statements and financial accounting information are the story of your business in numbers. You can potentially benefit from financial insight by organizing your financial data into meaningful information.

2. Your time is valuable

Are you using it wisely? How much is your $ per hour worth? Focus on the areas that you’re good at that helps your business grow. You may want to think of outsourcing a part-time professional to begin reallocating your valued time if your expertise is not financial information.

3. Tax Preparation

Help your tax preparer. Whether that person is an EA or Tax CPA, many of them appreciate an organized and proper set of financials to provide to them. It may also help lower your expenses.

4. Your numbers are a “hot mess”

An accountant can help organize and assemble your numbers into financial statements that businesses use on a daily to annual basis to make informed decisions by spotting trends, benchmarking against KPIs, and translating to a “story” on the overall health of your business.

5. You need help to stabilize and/or grow your business for now and in the future

Numbers left on their own are just numbers. You’re looking for an advisor or partner to help provide perspective through a financial lens. These conversations and analyses can be multi-disciplined across risk, operations, processes, strategy, and more.

We are available to discuss your potential needs. We can provide “fractional” or “part-time” assistance if you are not in a position to hire a full-time in-house accounting professional. Services range from routine financial data and transaction recording (e.g. bookkeeper) to strategic advisory (e.g. CFO) depending on the scope of your needs including the size, industry, and complexity of your business. You can be a solo business owner or run a company with a few employees.

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